Want To Make Money And Work From Home? Start Blogging
Do you sit at work dreaming about one day owning your own business and working from home: visions of freedom dances around in your head? I know that we all are used to dealing with Uber and Lyft where you can only email and it's weird to say, Hey, there's a service here that you can call.” But you know, that's one of the nice things about them, is that you can call them and get free help and they're going to go out there and explain what you need, and they're going to go out there and tell you what you need.
And more importantly too though down the road that, Hey, if I ever want to do something else or if I ever want to pull back a little, this might still be somewhat of a passive income source.” And that's kind of what really got me interested in blogging in the first place, is really the thought of or really that idea being able to create something, and then let it coast.
Blogging has really turned out not to be like that at all, but there are a lot of these opportunities where you can really scale down your work or just put a little bit once you have establish yourself, or once you've kind of front-loaded a lot of the work, and then make some money off of it. So that's kind of what I'm going to talk a little bit of right now.
But this blog never really killed it, maybe it was getting at its peak a thousand people a day which sounds like, might sound like a lot but in the general scope of things in personal finance, which is a huge niche, it really isn't a very … 30 to 20 to 30,000 people a month is something that definitely not anyone can just go out and do. You have to definitely put some work behind it, but it really isn't anything significant out there in the world of personal finance.
Want To Make Money And Work From Home? Start Blogging
Reviewed by Unknown
11/11/2015 04:14:00 PM

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